Exercises for a Sensitive Voice
Text and its mirror image in the exhibition catalogue
Text and its mirror image in the exhibition catalogue
The Listener
30 min
Silent with Finnish subtitles
Dancer: Anna Sochacka
The Listener
30 min
Silent with Finnish subtitles
Dancer: Anna Sochacka
The dancer listens to a recorded conversation dealing with difficulties related to speaking. She moves in relation to what she hears, the rhythm and corporeality of speech. The dancer does not understand the language of the conversation, Finnish, but interprets its other qualities than the semantic meaning of words.
Photograph, handwritten text
Series of 3 images
100 x 70 cm each
The Finnish word käännös means both translation and turn.
Photograph, handwritten text
Series of 3 images
100 x 70 cm each
The Finnish word käännös means both translation and turn.
Ehkä meidän pitäisi puhua siitä 3
(Maybe we should talk about it 3)
Glass, cement, photograph
Various dimensions
(Maybe we should talk about it 3)
Glass, cement, photograph
Various dimensions
Ehkä meidän pitäisi puhua siitä 2
(Maybe we should talk about it 2)
Glass, text, wood, pink warning ribbon
Various dimensions
(Maybe we should talk about it 2)
Glass, text, wood, pink warning ribbon
Various dimensions
Entä ootko sä kokeillut vaihtaa huonekalujen järjestystä?
– Ai auttaakse se?
Joo, se antaa lisäaikaa. Jotain puol vuotta.
Have you tried to rearrange your furniture?
– Does it help?
Yes, it gives you more time. Some six months.
– Ai auttaakse se?
Joo, se antaa lisäaikaa. Jotain puol vuotta.
Have you tried to rearrange your furniture?
– Does it help?
Yes, it gives you more time. Some six months.
Ehkä meidän pitäisi puhua siitä 1
(Maybe we should talk about it 1)
Sound recording of voice opening exercises, loud speakers, wood, cement
Sound with Anne Naukkarinen
(Maybe we should talk about it 1)
Sound recording of voice opening exercises, loud speakers, wood, cement
Sound with Anne Naukkarinen
Että, että
(That, that)
2 min 30 sec
(That, that)
2 min 30 sec
A reading of Samuel Beckett's Miten sanoa (How to say) is ccombined with a video image of a finger tracing a circle on the surface of the table and in the air.
All works in Kuvan Kevät 2014 group exhibition at Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki