/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ pohjautuu isoisoäitini vaatekaavoihin, jotka hän tuntemattomasta syystä oli säilönyt lattialautojensa alle. Isoisoäiti käytti kaavapaperinaan sanomalehtiä, jotka nyt kuvaavat maailmaa 100 vuoden takaa. Vaatekaavoja leikannut käsi on katkaissut jutut monesti kesken, tilanteet jäävät auki. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ sisältää valikoidun kokoelman kaavoihin tallentuneita lehtitekstejä ja -kuvia. Kirjan kansipaperiin on jäljennetty joukko isoisoäidin kaavoja, joiden avulla lukija voi ommella vaatteita kuten paidan ja pussihousut.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ on julkaistu osana näyttelyäni Air Between Floors.
Graafinen suunnittelu: Arja Karhumaa
96 sivua, 16 x 21,3 cm ja kansipaperi avattuna 84 x 60 cm
Paino: Markprint Oy ja Painotalo Digital Plus Oy
Kirjasidonta: KingBook / Esko Salonen
Painos 100 kpl
Galleria Hippolyte, Helsinki
Myymälä2, Helsinki
Nide, Helsinki
Amos Rex Shop, Helsinki
Laitapuoti, Tampere
Kirjakahvila, Turku
Lugemik, Tallinn
Suomen kirjataiteen komitea valitsi /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:n vuoden 2020 kauneimpien kirjojen joukkoon.
Työtä on tukenut Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen Visuaalisten taiteiden toimikunta.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ is composed of my great-grandmother’s sewing patterns, which she, for an unknown reason, had stored underneath her floorboards. My great-grandmother used newspapers as the material for her sewing patterns. Now these oddly shaped clippings depict a world from around 100 years ago. Often, the hand cutting the patterns for sleeves, pants, etc., would cut the stories in half, leaving the situations open-ended.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ includes a selection of texts and images from the sewing patterns. Each fragment is accompanied by information about the garment and the body part it corresponds to through sewing.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ on julkaistu osana näyttelyäni Air Between Floors.
Graafinen suunnittelu: Arja Karhumaa
96 sivua, 16 x 21,3 cm ja kansipaperi avattuna 84 x 60 cm
Paino: Markprint Oy ja Painotalo Digital Plus Oy
Kirjasidonta: KingBook / Esko Salonen
Painos 100 kpl
Galleria Hippolyte, Helsinki
Myymälä2, Helsinki
Nide, Helsinki
Amos Rex Shop, Helsinki
Laitapuoti, Tampere
Kirjakahvila, Turku
Lugemik, Tallinn
Suomen kirjataiteen komitea valitsi /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:n vuoden 2020 kauneimpien kirjojen joukkoon.
Työtä on tukenut Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen Visuaalisten taiteiden toimikunta.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ is composed of my great-grandmother’s sewing patterns, which she, for an unknown reason, had stored underneath her floorboards. My great-grandmother used newspapers as the material for her sewing patterns. Now these oddly shaped clippings depict a world from around 100 years ago. Often, the hand cutting the patterns for sleeves, pants, etc., would cut the stories in half, leaving the situations open-ended.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ includes a selection of texts and images from the sewing patterns. Each fragment is accompanied by information about the garment and the body part it corresponds to through sewing.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/’s dust jacket contains a collection of my great-grandmother’s sewing patterns. Readers can use them to sew clothes, such as a shirt and jodhpurs.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ was published as part of my solo exhibition Air Between Floors in July 2020.
Graphic design: Arja Karhumaa
96 pages, 16 x 21,3 cm and a dust jacket 84 x 60 cm (unfolded)
Languages: Finnish and Swedish
Printing: Markprint Oy and Painotalo Digital Plus Oy
Book binding: KingBook / Esko Salonen
Edition of 100
The Finnish book art committee selected /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ in the collection of the most beautiful books of 2020.
The work was supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ was published as part of my solo exhibition Air Between Floors in July 2020.
Graphic design: Arja Karhumaa
96 pages, 16 x 21,3 cm and a dust jacket 84 x 60 cm (unfolded)
Languages: Finnish and Swedish
Printing: Markprint Oy and Painotalo Digital Plus Oy
Book binding: KingBook / Esko Salonen
Edition of 100
The Finnish book art committee selected /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ in the collection of the most beautiful books of 2020.
The work was supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.